Enum DTEntityKind
Indicates the kind of Entity, meaning the concrete DTDL type assigned to the corresponding element in the model.
Namespace: DTDLParser
Assembly: DTDLParser.dll
public enum DTEntityKind
Name | Description |
Array | The kind of the Entity is Array. |
Boolean | The kind of the Entity is Boolean. |
Byte | The kind of the Entity is Byte. |
Bytes | The kind of the Entity is Bytes. |
Command | The kind of the Entity is Command. |
CommandPayload | The kind of the Entity is CommandPayload. |
CommandRequest | The kind of the Entity is CommandRequest. |
CommandResponse | The kind of the Entity is CommandResponse. |
CommandType | The kind of the Entity is CommandType. |
Component | The kind of the Entity is Component. |
Date | The kind of the Entity is Date. |
DateTime | The kind of the Entity is DateTime. |
Decimal | The kind of the Entity is Decimal. |
Double | The kind of the Entity is Double. |
Duration | The kind of the Entity is Duration. |
Enum | The kind of the Entity is Enum. |
EnumValue | The kind of the Entity is EnumValue. |
Field | The kind of the Entity is Field. |
Float | The kind of the Entity is Float. |
Integer | The kind of the Entity is Integer. |
Interface | The kind of the Entity is Interface. |
LatentType | The kind of the Entity is LatentType. |
Long | The kind of the Entity is Long. |
Map | The kind of the Entity is Map. |
MapKey | The kind of the Entity is MapKey. |
MapValue | The kind of the Entity is MapValue. |
NamedLatentType | The kind of the Entity is NamedLatentType. |
Object | The kind of the Entity is Object. |
Property | The kind of the Entity is Property. |
Reference | The kind of the Entity is Reference. |
Relationship | The kind of the Entity is Relationship. |
Short | The kind of the Entity is Short. |
String | The kind of the Entity is String. |
Telemetry | The kind of the Entity is Telemetry. |
Time | The kind of the Entity is Time. |
Unit | The kind of the Entity is Unit. |
UnitAttribute | The kind of the Entity is UnitAttribute. |
UnsignedByte | The kind of the Entity is UnsignedByte. |
UnsignedInteger | The kind of the Entity is UnsignedInteger. |
UnsignedLong | The kind of the Entity is UnsignedLong. |
UnsignedShort | The kind of the Entity is UnsignedShort. |
Uuid | The kind of the Entity is Uuid. |